Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Upper Paleolithic and Neanderthals lecture (and a bit of 'Horrible Histories')

Just had a lecture from Prof Nick Barton, one of my college tutors, about the Upper Paleolithic and the 'extinction' of Neanderthals.  It's really interesting to see how evidence and artefacts from sites can be interpreted, reinterpreted, and re-dated to prove and also disprove the theory that Neanderthal and Anatomically Modern Humans co-existed, or even interbred.  I did like the recent European genome evidence that suggests that 1-4% of modern European genomes are derived from Neanderthals; so we all have a little bit of Neanderthal in us!  If you want a very general, jazzy, overview of the Stone Age, I can suggest no better one than the 'Stoneage Song' from the BBC television series 'Horrible Histories'.  I refuse to call it a children's programme because I actually find it pretty hilarious, and generally accurate (with a few dramatic licenses here and there...).  I also love the fact they're able to make musical in-jokes with history.  (Okay, language wasn't just 'invented' etc., but you get the picture!)

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